
Monday, September 23, 2013

Stray Love

Animals do have a heart, don't they? I see daily a dozens of Indian Pariah dogs , cattle, wandering over the roads, specially the cows moving their jaws sitting on the concrete main roads full of pot holes. Is there any relation with these stray creatures and roads?. Seriously, sitting in the middle of the streets rather than on the sideways. I feel very sorry for them thinking that, we people at least got some consistency of getting meal twice a day, a shelter but they are not one of the fortunate like us.

Two dogs being consistent to my house's gate after the supper, made me think like why don't they have a roof, food to eat. One of them got rashes and skin infections all over the body, trying to bite or scratch them by self, the other one is lousy, having food or not in our hands, they get happy and show their respect and loyalty with their waving tails, they are the best examples of self dependent. Daily gets into a fight and growls who ever try to snatch his food and sometimes other foods too. They too show human like characteristics, cause one is very active and other's very lazy lying all the time and trying his best not to move even his eyes and gets happy to see me and my parents. Well, there are millions of such stray animals are there, and getting them as a domestic pet is not even the solution, cause they might be terror in especially the kids of diseases like rabies and if bitten, they might be dangerous too.

(Image Courtesy: Few dog's gestures, well they might not exact be the same with the Indian Pariahs, but they often show these signals.

Basically, they too deserve a home, but practically that's impossible, because there are millions like them right now, but our generous behaviour with them might help it by giving a piece of bread at least, which surely will make us happy too because, The only creatures evolved enough to convey pure love are dogs and infants.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

India United

We are Indians, We are Indians! Bawling this is not enough. We say "India is my country, all Indians are my brother and sisters", but the truth is, it's just only pleasant to ears, because we don't find it in the real world. People believe that only the army can justify being a true Indian. Is that so? I mean, don't we the common people too have some responsibilities. No country comes with set of rules that states, being patriotic can only be justified if you live in the border of the country for others well being. But even doing bits by a man can make a country united and prosperous.

Recently, I went for a movie, the scenario was that at least two three people were remain being sited while the national anthem was on, some were having their pep talk with their group and some were standing causally putting their hand on the left side of their chest showing what they call is respect, but really, that was awful to my eyes. We are known for culture and tradition, so why to imitate western style. We are just fine to stand in attention position. If we go with more x-ray'ed vision, it'll be very correct to say that, some even just stand during the anthem just because they are compelled to or they might be pointed as odd in the crowd. Everyone wants to get in the flow. The point is if you don't really feel like standing, better don't, at least it will be the least disrespectful gesture rather being casual during the anthem.

Well every kid, from his elementary school has been taught of the three R's, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. But, no one bats an eye at it. Then comes the prohibition of plastic bags, traffic rules, wait let just have a glance over traffic rules. Traffic rules doesn't only mean to stop your vehicle at the signals, there are bunch of other things that comes under it. We do complain about hiking prices of fuels, but no one goes to the core of it. I mean, why do we have started getting so many vehicles all around us? It's not that people have grown of their economic crisis but you see, now every guy here and there gets a ride no matter how rich or poor he is. Cause it's been a tradition now, like if one turns 14, maybe the child doesn't go to a school, but it's very vital to have a bike, else he will be bullied by his friends. Of course, we do have a thing, named license an insurance papers just like the other countries, but what to say it's like a participation certificate which every one gets eventually at 18 no matter he/she doesn't know anything about the basic rules of traffic.
India is the most traditional and secular country, but are we really upto it? I bet, most parts of India is unaware that we do have national language too. Obviously mother tongue is important, but learning two-three languages won't harm anybody, if English can be learned so easily why can't Hindi be. We even claim that we should help the one who becomes a victim of an accident, but no one does it, cause people have a taboo, that if they try to help they might be interrogated by the police. Do we have a difference between interrogated or being arrested? Yes we do, but still due to the narrow thinking of people let the victims die at the spot, who could have been saved if one made a kind human gesture. But, after the victim's health gets critical, all starts making a chaos and point that government didn't do anything, it's government's fault, etc. Maybe government didn't take some serious steps but where were the people, the common people gone when the victim was suffocating? And after just easily making the government responsible, people serve their grief and condolence by social media. This is really outrageous.

Who is a king? A king shows the pride and the dignity of his territory but the people have taken the democracy thing so liberal that, we think that government is actually being worked at people's finger tip no matter the law aren't beneficial for, say a community or an environment. Sure, it's our government, but we should check it for right causes. As everyone is aware of that, no body likes being restricted with tight laws and regulations. The great leaders of our nation were killed by our countrymen. Yes, nothing here do to with history, but this clearly states that if any leader or a common person is striving to make a nation better and secure, he's brought, down, threatened or assassinated.

Well these points are not enough and would seem you completely irrelevant, but surprisingly these small improve our country, if they are enhanced. Within 67 years of Independence, India should have been a way better place. It's been really quite enough time, because getting supermarkets, malls, multiplexes or amusement parks doesn't make a nation developed, it's the people's broad look makes it and remember no country comes with, God showering tons of money, gold or any superficial powers, it's the people who gives country a definition. It's the same thing happens with a toddler, as he is given too much freedom and love and takes every thing casual, because he knows anyhow he's gonna get what he wants. We the people should even stop acting like a toddler, cause it's not just the Prime Minister that gonna change everything. We too are a part of this nation, and let's just prove it not verbally, not in pen and papers but actually making some professed steps in reality.

Rolling out tears and waving flag on the national holiday, won't change anything. Don't fake it, love India from your heart because if 1.2 billion people, stands united, no one can stop India being a perfect place to live. Take pride in yourself, your leader, your people and become the pride of the country. Jai Hind!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Hello World!

Pen down, err...keyboard ready. Hola! world, this is Indrashish Thakur of 18. Well this is my first blog in blogosphere. Though I won't brag about myself, actually I can't. Definitely I'm a usual normal guy having a usual routine, yes that's sleeping, television, music, browsing internet and ultimately studying a bit. Well, I'm fond of music, sports, gadgets, reading, movies, cars, travelling and photography and yes a foodie too.

I don't have much qualifications or achievements but still I try everyday to gain most of the news and knowledge, every way possible and I will be glad enough if I could just share the true stories, actually that's happening around, to the world. Being a Science enthusiast, I have way level of curiosity of knowing how everything works but yes, I didn't use to get good marks in Science. But still striving to pursue to become a great engineer in future and much more to do, forget to mention, I'm a dreamer as well.

What I actually feel is that every one's unique, it's just the matter of time to know your latent talent, the early you come with it, the better it is. I want to become the best in everything more of as an All Rounder or say an Intellectual  Homosapien, literally. Who doesn't dream? But yes, with big dreams, comes big commitment, sincere efforts and firm determination. Well, I'm lazy, I don't  do brainstorming daily, but somehow I try to improve a bit everyday. It's just motivation and positive attitude what one needs. My father taught me, to study well, obviously whose parents don't yell at their children for studying but more over he wants me to see as a good Human Being.

Well, I'm not a Saint or a Genius, but still I hope everyone likes, oops, love my blog's posts. You will get anything and everything what's happening around the globe, articulating of what people think, what I think and what people think but let that goes off their mind.And yes, every time your feedback are more than welcome.