
Thursday, September 12, 2013

Hello World!

Pen down, err...keyboard ready. Hola! world, this is Indrashish Thakur of 18. Well this is my first blog in blogosphere. Though I won't brag about myself, actually I can't. Definitely I'm a usual normal guy having a usual routine, yes that's sleeping, television, music, browsing internet and ultimately studying a bit. Well, I'm fond of music, sports, gadgets, reading, movies, cars, travelling and photography and yes a foodie too.

I don't have much qualifications or achievements but still I try everyday to gain most of the news and knowledge, every way possible and I will be glad enough if I could just share the true stories, actually that's happening around, to the world. Being a Science enthusiast, I have way level of curiosity of knowing how everything works but yes, I didn't use to get good marks in Science. But still striving to pursue to become a great engineer in future and much more to do, forget to mention, I'm a dreamer as well.

What I actually feel is that every one's unique, it's just the matter of time to know your latent talent, the early you come with it, the better it is. I want to become the best in everything more of as an All Rounder or say an Intellectual  Homosapien, literally. Who doesn't dream? But yes, with big dreams, comes big commitment, sincere efforts and firm determination. Well, I'm lazy, I don't  do brainstorming daily, but somehow I try to improve a bit everyday. It's just motivation and positive attitude what one needs. My father taught me, to study well, obviously whose parents don't yell at their children for studying but more over he wants me to see as a good Human Being.

Well, I'm not a Saint or a Genius, but still I hope everyone likes, oops, love my blog's posts. You will get anything and everything what's happening around the globe, articulating of what people think, what I think and what people think but let that goes off their mind.And yes, every time your feedback are more than welcome.

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