
Monday, September 23, 2013

Stray Love

Animals do have a heart, don't they? I see daily a dozens of Indian Pariah dogs , cattle, wandering over the roads, specially the cows moving their jaws sitting on the concrete main roads full of pot holes. Is there any relation with these stray creatures and roads?. Seriously, sitting in the middle of the streets rather than on the sideways. I feel very sorry for them thinking that, we people at least got some consistency of getting meal twice a day, a shelter but they are not one of the fortunate like us.

Two dogs being consistent to my house's gate after the supper, made me think like why don't they have a roof, food to eat. One of them got rashes and skin infections all over the body, trying to bite or scratch them by self, the other one is lousy, having food or not in our hands, they get happy and show their respect and loyalty with their waving tails, they are the best examples of self dependent. Daily gets into a fight and growls who ever try to snatch his food and sometimes other foods too. They too show human like characteristics, cause one is very active and other's very lazy lying all the time and trying his best not to move even his eyes and gets happy to see me and my parents. Well, there are millions of such stray animals are there, and getting them as a domestic pet is not even the solution, cause they might be terror in especially the kids of diseases like rabies and if bitten, they might be dangerous too.

(Image Courtesy: Few dog's gestures, well they might not exact be the same with the Indian Pariahs, but they often show these signals.

Basically, they too deserve a home, but practically that's impossible, because there are millions like them right now, but our generous behaviour with them might help it by giving a piece of bread at least, which surely will make us happy too because, The only creatures evolved enough to convey pure love are dogs and infants.

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